The Houses of the Dragon are what promoted the Roman aligned religion of Saturn, read Satan, in Europe. These were the houses of nobility in Medieval Europe that continued the secret power of the dragon, that serpent of old (Revelation 20, verse 2 And he laid hold on the dragon, the old serpent, which is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. [a thousand years is not literal]) This was the same Satan worship that was part and parcel of the Ancient Cretan Double Eagles of the Mediterranean, embedded in the ancient Graeco-Egyptian religion from 3,500 years ago to the present. That, in turn was based on the Mesopotamian religion of Ur and Babel and Nimrud in Chaldaea of Mesopotamia, the land of Shinar, from twenty five centuries before that, in other words 6,000 years ago. The Haburah of the Jews is a recent version of this, which is only 2,500 years old. The Haburah is the basis for Zionism and the Jew form of Freemasonry (which is the arm of Talmudic Judaism into Gentile religion and government).
The Talmudic Jews are used and controlled by the Illuminati, both are utterly evil.
The houses of the Dragon are the European controlling nobility of the Illuminati. The Illluminati are throughout all of Eurasia. The arms of the Illuminati to pollute all other religions and political bodies are Freemasonry and Zionism.
The ancient Mesopotamian Satanism from 6,000 years ago is the ancient religion of Gnosticism which opposed the Old Testament Patriarchs and Prophets and the Church. Gnosticism is the Satanic religious core of the Illuminati. This ancient religion of Gnosticism is that which seeks to pervert Islam as well. Some of the current forms of this Gnosticism are Freemasonry, Communism, Zionism, Christian Zionism, Vatican Ecumenism and Evolution. That form of Gnosticism which is Communism is what was the prime mover in the takeover of the Vatican in 1958 by the Freemason Cardinals. The Vatican has been apostate ever since.
In the Ancient Minoan Empire of Crete before 1,500 B.C. the Double Axes were the sign of the Imperial Authority. That symbol was derived from the even more ancient Egyptian religion which was imported to Crete from the Egypt of the Pharaohs. Politics and Religion and murder were inextricably intertwined in ancient Egypt. The combined Graeco-Egyptian religion and body of real-politik that syncretistically developed was and is the base for all of the nobility of the Mediterranean and the Middle East and Europe and Asia and North Africa.

The Double Axes since the time of Minos are preserved in the halls of government as the various forms of that or the Double Eagles. In these various forms (the "fasces lictoriae" [bundles of the lictors] of ancient Rome, or the dual Keys of the Vatican, for instance) in many halls of government, as in the Duma of current modern Russia or the ancient Roman Empire, are preserved the symbol of the Lodge of Ancient Egypt, now for millenia spread throughout the world in all of the major Capitals. That lodge is the true Freemasonry and the true base of the Illuminati and the owner of the 300 trillion dollar ($300,000,000,000,000) secret money fund that currently manipulates all of the wars and governments and economies and nations on earth. The weak imitation of that which the Haburah of the Jews in Baylonia, a mere 2,500 years ago (circa 500+ B.C.) came up with, is only the base for the Jews' form of Apostasy from God which is Zionism in its political form and Talmudic Judaism in its religious form.
The Illuminati are the ones in control of Moscow and Washington D.C. and Tel Aviv and Cairo and the Vatican and Berlin and Beijing and Tokyo and the Zionists and the Persians and the oil Sheiks etc. It is the Illuminati who use Zionism and the Jews and the Americans and the Russian and Chinese Communists etc. as willing totally complicit evil pawns in the Illuminati scheme to rule the world. The Illuminati are the ancient behind the scenes Nobles of ancient Satanic Diabolic Anti-God paganism. These "Noble" houses are in actuality the most evil thing on earth.
From: Masonic Politicians - Europe
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